○ The Waiting room

This is where I keep ideas, movies, music, interesting words and other things that I plan to research more in-depth in the future.
- John Ousterhout - A Philosophy of Software Design
- The mythical man-month, Fred Brooks
- The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
- Substance (2024)
- Daniel Ellsberg - The Optimal Benefit of Perceived Madness
- Chaos: Making a New Science
- The Place Beyond the Pines (2012)
- Witold Lipiński's architecture
- The Machinist (2004)
- Erich Neumann - The Origins and History of Consciousness
- Labirynth (1986)
- gwern.net
- Gaphor - UML, SysML, RAAML, and C4 modeling application
- Julian Jayes - The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
- Hypermedia.systems
- DrNostromo - niche sci-fi movies list
- The Unicorn Project
- In the shadow of the moon (2019)
- Holy Motors (2012)
- Henry James - The Turn of the Screw
- Watership Down
- Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness
- CCRU page found whwn looking for articles about David Cronenberg
- Non-linear analog modeling papers & talks
- Simon Stålenhag - The Labyrinth
- Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989)
- Little languages for music
- The User Illusion - Tor Norretranders
- The Diamond Age - Neal Stephenson
- Jaroslaw Grzedowicz - Hel 3
- OpenAudio GitHub list
- Gregor Kiczales - Art of the Metaobject Protocol
- Rust performance book
- Form Constant
- Eric Evans Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software
- Richard Wolff
- John Martin - Satan Presiding at the Infernal Council
- Super Mario Bros (1993) - childhood movie rewatch
- Chernoff faces
- I Dream of Wires (2014)
- Late 20xx Eastern-European cinema:
- Mikhail Titov's movies
- Budet laskovyy dozhd (1984)
- Vladimir Tarasov's movies
- Snezhnaya Koroleva (1957)
- Detonator Orgun
- Anju Singh
- Nannou - an open-source creative-coding framework for Rust
- Sounding secrets of AudioLM
- SICP, Lecture 6A: Streams, Part 1
- Interesting notes on memexes and related topics
- Video on geometry, from @Maciej
- Hydra - livecoding visuals
- Rust for game tooling
- Brian Eno - A Year with Swollen Appendices
- Gothic flatline
- Richard Penrose - The Road to Reality
I don't like the word materialist because it suggests we know what the material is ~ Richard Penrose
- Parasite Dolls (2003)
- Jonathan Haidt on social media
- The Sublime Object of Ideology
- Escape From Freedom
- Possessor 2022
- Baasch - neurotransmisja
- Carl Jung - Aion
- Miasto Światłości, Mieczysław Smolarski
- Neo Tokyo
- Wolf's Rain
- Kobieta w czerni 2012
- Permutation City
- Julien Offray de La Mettrie - Człowiek Maszyna
- Pulse, Kurosawa
- Amusing Ourselves to Death
- Counterpart HBO
- Oldboy
- Józef Kosecki, kybernetyka
- ID invaded
- Hitchcock Psychoza
- Max Stirner
- Virginia Woolf
- Wittgenstein
- Euphoria (where did I found this? Random note, forgot to include details)
- Kocia kołyska vonnegut
- Recommendations from Jacek Dukaj:
- Julio Cortazar
- Gene Wolfe
- Friedrich Durrenmatt
- Dyson - Disturbing the universe
- Brazil 85
- Harvard University's Justice Course
- Siedemnaście mgnień wiosny
- Allo allo
- Psychologia Ewolucyjna, Buss
- Willard Van Orman Quine
- Richard Rorty
- Irlandczyk 2019
- Megazone23
- On Contingency - Liebniz
- The Affair, TV series recomendation from Jacek Dukaj
- Made in abyss