The Ławka Initiative

Ławka: Polish word which means ,,bench''.

This page is dedicated to benches, placed in convenient locations, offering a place to rest and enjoy scenic/calming/whatever views. I appreciate well-placed benches a lot for some reason, hence I'm collecting my favourite ones right here.

If I ever get awfully rich, I'm going to start a real Ławka Initiative, funding benches across places in Poland to improve the tourist experience we currently have.

Aga, Norway. I have nothing but respect for Norwegians when it comes to bench placement.
Arboretum Wojsławice, Poland. A local gem near where I live.
Sobótka, Poland. En route towards the Ślęża mountain
Bangkok, Thailand. From the left side there's a small garden, from the right side (not visible in the photo) there's a beautiful Royal Hall building.
Marseille, France. View of the city from the Museum of Civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean.

todo: add some more pictures of benches

Hey you! Yes, the one that's staring at the screen! You have any cool pictures of benches? Send them over to me.